Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Leverett Family, Early Settlers: Warren Sentinel-Leader article by Jay Whitham

The Leverett Family, Early Settlers
(this article appeared in the Warren Sentinel-Leader, Warren IL, Wed. Oct. 1st, 1930)

Professor James Walker Leverett came to Warren in November 1855 and his father, Joseph Leverett and family arrived in the summer of 1858. Prof. Leverett married Harriet Maria Tisdel, a niece of Freeman A. Tisdel, at Warren on Sept. 1, 1856. The Professor’s sister, Sarah Fuller Leverett, married Charles Boone, of Warren.

The Leveretts trace their ancestry to the Norman Conquest. In this country they go back to Alderman Thomas Leverett of Boston, England, who arrived in Boston, Mass. on September 4, 1633 on the good ship Griffin.  He was characterized as “a Lincolnshire gentleman of character and substance”, and an able lawyer.  Mention is made of his taking the initial step in the beginning of the free school system in Boston, and he was active in municipal affairs.  Sir John Leverett, son of this Thomas, was Major General of the Massachusetts Militia and Governor of the Colony from 1673 to 1679. The Governor’s grandson, John Leverett, was appointed Judge of the Superior Court of Massachusetts, the Colony, in 1702, and resigned to become the eighth President of Harvard College, which office he held from 1707 to 1724. Joseph Leverett, the Warrenite, was of the tenth generation of his family in the United States.

Harriet Maria Tisdel, who married Prof. Leverettt, traced her ancestry to Elder William Brewster, who came to Massachusetts on the Mayflower, and to his son-in-law, Governor Thomas Prince of the Colony.

Joseph Leverett was the son of William Leverett (1773-1801) and Lydia Fuller, his wife, and was born at Brookline, Mass., Sept. 4, 1804. He died in Warren, Ill., on Feb. 3, 1878. The children were William, Sarah F., Joseph (the Warrenite), Thomas, and Washington and Warren, twins. The father died when Joseph was three years old.  The widowed mother married Josiah Griggs, and had two sons, John W. and George Griggs. When Joseph Leverett was six years old he was sent to his aunt Walker, his mother’s sister, at Livermore Falls, Maine.  The little boy was in charge of a friend, during this long journey, until within a few miles of his destination, when he trudged the rest of the strange and new way alone.  He was adopted by the Walkers and grew to sturdy manhood at Livermore Falls, taking advantage of the meager school opportunities in this sparsely settled district.  The locality was in its era of pioneering. Of Joseph Leverett, it might be said, that most of his seventy-four years were spent as a pioneer, in which he attained a competence through “hardknocks”.

Joseph Leverett, was of a quiet, reserved, reflective nature, a person of very few words; industrious, resourceful, tall of stature, muscular and able to hold his own with others.  He learned the woodman’s craft and became, also a carpenter and farmer.  “He did considerable logging for clearing land, and, also got out and hauled, to Portland, Maine, eighty miles away, ship timber, mostly spars and masts.  The masts were from sixty to one hundred feet long, and were considered difficult and dangerous to haul on account of the crooks in the road and short hills which were liable to throw the logs on a balance so as to endanger lifting of the hind cattle (oxen) off the ground. The long timbers would bring one hundred dollars each, which paid very well those days, if no mishap befell.”

Joseph Leverett was a member of the Maine Militia for five years (1825-1830) and served as a lieutenant for two years.

In 1828, at the age of twenty-four, Joseph married Mary Turner, daughter of Ebenezer and Mary (Polly) Sumner, his wife, at Livermore Falls. The young people were well mated, each being the complement of the other, and each possessing gifts to supplement the other. They held, in common, a love of truth, justice and an ardent desire to acquire knowledge.  Their children inherited many of these qualities and had few undesirable traits to combat and overcome.

Mary Turner came from a long line of strong, thrifty, practical New Englanders, who were fearless in sentiment and action.  They were early in the Colony of Massachusetts. Her grandfather, Edward Turner, was in the Revolutionary War. Other members of the Turner family achieved distinction in various lines.

Joseph Leverett, esteeming knowledge, contributed to its spread wherever possible. He aided two colleges and gave his own children educational advantages open to but few during their growing years.

The children of Joseph and Mary were:

William, the first child, born at Livermore Falls in 1829, died near Quincy, Ill. During the cholera scourge of 1854.

James Walker Leverett, the second child, who later became a Warrenite, was born at Livermore Falls, Maine, on Nov. 19, 1830 and died at Council Bluffs, Iowa, on June 25, 1916.

Ebenezer Leverett, the third child born at Livermore Falls, 1832-1911, was a farmer at Denmark, Iowa, for most of his life.

Frances Ellen Leverett, (1835-1892) the fourth child, born near Quincy, Ill., moved to Warren in 1858, with her parents, and married Israel White, of Delta, N.Y., where she made her home.

Sarah Fuller Leverett, the fifth child of Joseph Leverett, was born near Quincy, Ill., in 1838, and died at Warren in 1919, the wife of Charles Boone. The marriage was in Warren in 1859.

George Leverett, the youngest child, was born at Livingston, near Quincy, Ill., in 1840. He lived in Warren for a time. After his marriage in 1861 he went to Edwardsville, Ill., where he engaged in the abstract business and surveying.

In 1834 Joseph Leverett sold his farm in Maine, and with his family, joined the uncle and aunt Walker, Turner relatives, and others, on an overland journey of over 1600 miles from Livermore Falls to near Quincy, Ill., where the party arrived Oct. 23. They proceeded to construct shelters for man and beast, make furniture, etc., and to prepare for agriculture.  The farming district was sparsely settled with many pioneers from Maine. School districts were established, the public furnishing the shelters, while the teachers charged so much per pupil, did their own collecting, and generally boarded about the neighborhood, a week with a family. The Leveretts’ school was chiefly due to the donations and influence and efforts of Joseph Leverett. Among teachers in the early 1840s was Parker Godding. He later settled as a druggist in Warren, with store in the stone, or Ireland, building on Main Street, and was the father of  Jonas, Henry W., Marcellus and Luther Godding.

Prof. J. W. Leverett described the school facilities as follows:

The teacher “pointed to the letters of the alphabet with a small pen-knife, and to the rules of the school with a birch stick. The log school house, about two miles from us, had a log left out on one side for light. The inside was furnished with a broad board fastened to the wall and slanted a little for a writing desk, and a bench for a seat, made from a slab or hewed from a split log. The lucky ones got seats, and usually studied and did their writing stunts with faces turned towards the wall. The rest of the seating was of benches made of slabs or split logs, without backs. This was a model of seating common in that locality.”

With such school advantages, supplemented by the parents’ oversight and encouragement, the boys of the Joseph Leverett family were able to enter Shurtleff College at Alton, Ill., the oldest school of higher learning in the valley of the Mississippi. James Walker Leverett passed through the Junior year at Shurtleff, and went to Madison University, now Colgate, at Hamilton, N.Y., graduating in 1855 with the degree of Master of Arts. About this time the father, Joseph Leverett, sold his property near Quincy, and moved to Denmark, Iowa, where facilities were exceptionally inviting for the education of the younger members of the family.

The young Master of Arts was on the look out for a position as a teacher in a seminary or academy. It is not know just how he heard of Warren, but Thanksgiving of 1855 found him there. He wrote of it as follows:

“After some consultation with the Warrenites, we concluded to finish the basement of the Baptist church for a school room…the school was commenced under the name of the Warren Academy, the 3rd of January1856, with about fifty students, who made very satisfactory progress, and closed…..with a Literary Exhibition which was well received….The Summer School was taught by Miss H. M. Tisdel, while I went to Denmark, Iowa, and worked at carpentry to raise money to run the winter school. Before commencing the winter school, Miss Harriet Maria Tisdel (niece of Freeman A. Tisdel) and myself were married (on Sept. 1, 1856) and ran the school in partnership for six months. Mrs. Leverett (my wife) continued the school during the summer (of 1857) and I worked at carpenter work and did some farm work (about Warren). The Academy was a success except financially, which was so marked that we concluded to let others try the Academy business.”

“Horace Woodworth, pastor of Baptist Church persuaded me to go into the Academy business the year of 1858-9, thinking he could make a success of it, and I consented to run the higher department for a dollar a day and let him have all he could make above that sum – Mar. Woodworth did not do so well, but stood to his contract.” This ended the Academy of the 1850s.

Chambers Encyclopedia of 1871 says: - “In 1858 large deposits of gold were discovered in the region of Pike’s Peak; and during the first four years after the discovery there were shipped more than $30,000,000. It abounds in rich gold-bearing quartz. The mining country is 5,000 feet above the sea.”

Those who read the “Tisdel Sketch” in the Warren Sentinel-Leader of May 28, 1930 got the impression that the exodus of Warrenites in 1859 was made with the intention of locating at Salem, Nebr. But an account by Prof. James Walker Leverett, before me, shows this supposition inaccurate. The Warrenites knew of the pike’s Peake excitement and prepared to profit by it. Prof. Leverett wrote:

“The spirit of adventure asserted itself in a number of people of Warren, through the persistent cry and appeal of gold at Pike’s Peak in 1859. In lieu of cash past due on a note made by one of the party, the Academy Principal (James W. Leverett) took a portable saw-mill in payment, and joined the others on their way west.

“The company… gathered an outfit of 18 yoke of oxen, 3 yoke of cows,  6 two-horse wagons, one low-wheeled logging wagon, 2 high-wheeled logging carts coupled together to carry the boiler, one span of mules and a broncho. One wagon was entirely loaded with flour, the rest with eatables, cooking apparatus and mill fixtures. Several young men went as teamasters or passengers, so there were fifteen in the crowd.”

It seems impossible to get a full list of the party, but Freeman A. Tisdel, Sr., Freeman A. Tisdel, Jr.,  Deloit Tisdel, H.C. Jennings, Oliver Jennings, James Walker Leverett, Anson D. Rising (Tisdel’s son-in-law), Sidney Vandervort, Joshua Vandervort, James Sperry, and Murray Washburn were eleven of the fifteen.

Continuing the narrative – “For a few days we had to feed our cattle hay and grain. In about a week grain was sufficient. We crossed the Mississippi at Savanna, Ill., to Sabula, Iowa. The Iowa sloughs had more than a local reputation at the time….In navigating these sloughs we found that our high-wheeled rig, with the boiler for load, had enough leverage above the mud to wade through comparatively well, while the two-wheeled truck invariably had to be dug out and dragged through.

From Des Moines we began to meet trains (teams), with Pikes Peakers returning, who usually gave us all the way (road or trail), and had very little to say. Farther on we would occasionally meet three or four teams in company, who informed us that Pike’s Peak was a ‘humbug’. By questioning, we found they had not been far west of the (Missouri) river. Farther along we found the returning ones thick and more sociable – even inviting themselves to sup and to breakfast with us, with a remarkable ability to wait on themselves.

“On the last day of our trip on the Mormon Trail (so-called because it was the overland route taken by the Mormons on their journey to Utah), we met 200 teams returning. Crossing the Missouri River in Nebraska City, we turned to the south, satisfied that we could not reach Pike’s Peak with any provisions to live on. We went on to Richardson County, Nebr., where we set up our (my) saw-mill – here it remained five years.

Some of the young men who went with us as passengers returned to the east, but most of them remained; some taking up land and some working at trades. Part of the company in 1860 went to Pike’s Peak, but returned after one season, and became citizens of Richardson County. Two of them were sent to the Legislature at Omaha.

“The ‘Pike’s Peak or Bust!’ legends on the out-going wagons, together with the returning one ‘Busted!’ made some amusement at the time. Yet it gave…them a view of life which, in most cases, was for their good; developed energies that they did not know before they had.”

James Walker Leverett remained at Salem, Nebr., engaged in the operation of his saw-mill and in constructing buildings. Mrs. Leverett established a private school for a time.  Their baby, Cora Leverett, born in Warren on Oct. 24, 1858, died on August 11, 1859, shortly after the mother and child had joined the husband at Salem. She was buried on the prairie, her grave starting Salem’s Cemetery…

The children of James W. and Harriet Maria (Tisdel) Leverett, besides Cora, were:

Mary Belle Leverett, born in Salem, Oct. 16, 1860, married George P. Sanford, now deceased, and she resides at 829 Sixth Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Fred Eugene Leverett, born in Salem, on Dec. 31, 1861, lives at Ann Arbor, Mich., Route 3.

Thomas Tisdel Leverett, named for his grandfather Tisdel, (a brother of Freeman A. Tisdel) was born at Salem on August 24, 1863, and lives at Watertown, South Dak.

William Joseph Leverett, named for his grandfather and great grand father, was born in Warren on Sept. 1, 1867, and lives at 1295 East Pierce Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Frank Stowe Leverett, born at Hillsboro, Wis., on Sept. 28, 1869, is living in Portland, Oregon (now in 1930).

Clarence Leverett died in infancy at Garden Valley, Wis., on Sept. 28, 1871.

Carrie Gertrude Leverett, the eighth child of Prof. Leverett, was born at Garden Valley, on March 4, 1873. She is Mrs. A.W. Augur, of 5610 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, Ill.

The Civil War found Prof. Leverett at Salem, with a large family of little ones. Settlers at Salem, which was on the Missouri border, were alarmed in 1863 over the Indian raids in eastern Nebraska, and James W. Leverett slept with a gun at his side. He enlisted in the Home Guards at Salem.  Men tried to protect Salem, through which Indians, bushwhackers and jayhawkers rode, yelling and firing their guns. Prof. Leverett determined upon the removal of his family to Warren, for safety, and while engaged in the moving, was raided by Bill Anderson’s Guerrillas, who took personal effects to the value of about $225, and some prized Tisdel-family pieces, but overlooked $1800 in currency the Professor was carrying. The family reached Warren in the fall of 1864. Leaving his family thus sheltered, Prof. Leverett enlisted and did a year’s service in the Civil War, in Alabama and Mississippi, in Co. 1, 6th Illinois Cavalry.

The Civil War ended, James Walker Leverett returned to his family in Warren, and became part owner of the Warren Independent, with Herst C. Gann. The Professor looked after the “literary part of the paper.” The name was soon changed to Warren Sentinel.

In the spring of 1868 James W. Leverett, leaving his family in Warren, joined with Joel Webster Parker in merchandising at Hillsboro, Wis. Parker, it will be remembered, was Warren’s first merchant, and an uncle of Manley Rogers. The Parker sketch was given in the Sentinel Leader of June 25, 1930.

Leverett’s family joined him as soon as baby William Joseph and his mother were able to journey. Leverett found unwholesome influences among the youth at Hillsboro, and , to protect his children – who were ever his first consideration – he withdrew from the Parker partnership, and settled on a farm at Garden Valley, Wis., where they stayed for two years.

In the mean time the health of Joel Webster Parker declined, and a change seemed imperative. Parker determined upon a slow-moving overland trip in a “buggy” from Hillsboro to Sioux Falls, South Dak. The ever-loving and considerate nephew, Manley Rogers, accompanied Parker on the trip. Parker steadily improved as the journey progressed, and felt strong enough to engage in the lumber business in 1879, in that new location. Here, in Sioux Falls, he was joined by James Walker Leveret, as a partner, in 1882. The partnership lasted into the panic of 1893, when Leverett withdrew, and moved to Sabetha, Kansas, and there continued in the lumber trade, being a partner with his friends, the Slosson brothers. Here, in Sabetha, the Leveretts remained for thirty months, when he went into the furniture business at Horton, Kas., for two years. This business he traded for a fruit farm in St. Clair Co., Mo. After living for six years on the fruit farm, the parents were induced, by some of their children, to retire and settle, near them, in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Mrs. James Walker Leverett’s health declining, due to bronchial troubles, the winters were spent in California, Texas, and Alabama. The fiftieth wedding anniversary was a glad celebration on Sept. 1, 1906. Prof. Leverett wrote, at this period, “We are still here and waiting till the shadows are a little longer grown, hoping that our descendants may have less of hard times to contend with, and that they may be satisfied that we have not lived in vain (we) having endeavored to teach them to find a way, or make one, to success.”

The shadows overtook Joseph Leverett, the father, in Warren, on Feb. 3, 1878, just two weeks in advance of his 50th wedding anniversary; Mary (Turner) Leverett, the mother, in Delta, N.Y., on Oct. 3, 1881; Harriet Maria (Tisdel) Leverett, the Professor’s wife, at Claremont, Cal. on Dec. 21, 1909; James Walker Leverett, in Council Bluffs, Ia., on June 25, 1916.

James Walker Leverett held many public offices in various places. He was a delegate to the Nebraska Constitutional Convention at Omaha, in July 1864. He declined to run for the Nebraska Legislature. He was a well-rounded man, of a practical turn, and could do many things well. He had remarkable strength, both physically and mentally- as well as morally. He had facility and originality of expression in speaking and writing. He was encyclopaedic in general and special information. He made a study of the Bible for a life time, and wherever he lived, was a hard and constant worker in religious fields, establishing Sunday school, and ably assisting the clergy. Often he conducted lay services, in the absence of the clergy.

Mrs. James W. Leverett (see Tisdel) was a highly trained woman of talent and good endowments.  She graduated from Ingham Collegiate Institute, at LeRoy, N.Y. She had a gift for imparting knowledge, and did valuable service in teaching in the pioneer days. She was a loving and devoted wife and mother.

Professor Leverett went through the panics of 1827, 1857, and 1893, and the depressions of 1872 and 1907. Referring to his life, he wrote – “We have thus been most of our lives on the frontier, among the first settlers, and have contended with the difficulties attending new settlements….Perhaps the rough experiences were as good for the younger ones.”

One of the Professor’s children wrote: - “Father and mother placed character above material prosperity, and tried to do as much good as possible in the world. They were always doing kind things for people…and their influence cannot be measured. They were cultured and refined, loved the companionship of fine people, books and flowers. They particularly admired scenic beauty….They were ideally happy together.

As we review the life of Professor Leverett we are struck with his many changes in location and occupation. Yet these very changes permitted him contact with multitudes of people, over whom he exercised an uplifting influence. The Leveretts were vigorous in body, mind and character. Warren was benefitted by their sojourn within her borders.

-Jay M. Whitham.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Otis' Genealogy: Descendants of William Leverett

Descendants of: William Leverett
Derived from: "A Genealogy of the Descendants of William Leverett (1773 - 1807)" by Erwin J. Otis and Florence Leverett Hodge.
1 William Leverett b. ___-  -1692 m. ___-  -1715 ?   
2 William Leverett b. ___-  -1727 d. Feb-01-1791 m. Apr-12-1759 Rachel Watts b. Mar-04-1737 d. ___-  -1792     
3 Rachel Leverett m. Josiah Dano     
3 Polly Leverett m. Joshua Cook     
3 Betsy Leverett     
3 Sarah Leverett b. ___-  -1765 m. Oliver Pratt     
3 Betsy Leverett m. Elisha Robbins     
3 Catherine Leverett m. James A. Walker     
3 William Leverett b. ___-  -1771 d. ___-  -1771     
3 William Leverett b. Jul-15-1773 d. Dec-19-1807 m. Apr-04-1799 Lydia Fuller b. Jan-10-1777 d. Apr-21-1842       
4 William Leverett b. Jan-25-1800 d. Dec-09-1882 m. 29-Mar-1825 Mary Ann Cole b. Apr-  -1803 d. Jan-  -1878         
5 Maria Jackson Leverett b. Mar-05-1826 d. ___-  -1909 m. Asa Dalton b. ___-  -1824 d. ___-  -1912           
6 Mary L Dalton b. ___-  -1860           
6 Edith L Dalton b. ___-  -1864         
5 Sarah Gano Leverett b. Feb-13-1828 d. ___-  -1883 m. Henry Savage Chase b. ___-  -1825 d. ___-  -1885           
6 William Leverett Chase b. ___-  -1852 d. ___-  -1895 m. Mary F E Greenough b. ___-  -1853 d. ___-  -1927              
7 Mary G Chase b. ___-  -1877 d. ___-  -1886             
7 Helen Leverett Chase b. Nov-20-1878 m. ___-  -1906 Lawrence B Flint                    
 8 Frances Carnes Flint b. Nov-17-1907 m. Jun-  -1931 Frederick Hammerstein                 
8 Lawrence B Flint b. Jul-  -1909               
8 Vasmer Leverett Flint b. Feb-  -1915               
8 Putnam Phillips Flint b. Sep-06-1918             
7 William H Chase b. Dec-17-1881             
7 Patience Chase b. ___-  -1886 d. ___-  -1886             
7 Sarah G Chase b. Jul-  -1888 m. Theophilus P Chandler            
8 Theophilus P Chandler b. Feb-  -1915               
8 James Greenough Chandler b. May-  -1917              
8 Elizabeth Merrill Chandler b. Jun-16-1919               
8 Roger Merrill Chandler b. Sep-11-1925             
7 Lillian Chase b. Jun-  -1889 m. ___-  -1915 David H Craig               
8 Barbara Craig b. Mar-24-1916 m. Virgil C. Hart               
8 Helen Elizabeth Craig b. Apr-21-1919               
8 Dorinda Craig b. Jul-03-1921           
6 Henry S Chase b. ___-  -1858 d. ___-  -1858           
6 Ellen Chase b. Mar-26-1863 d. ___-  -1949           
6 Sarah Chase b. ___-  -1865 d. ___-  -1923 m. Dec-14-1892 Lincoln C Cummings                 
7 Rosamond Cummings b. Dec-15-1893 m. Oct-  -1920 Cassius H Styles               
7 Lincoln C Cummings Jr. b. ___-  -1895 d. ___-  -1916             
7 Margaret A Cummings b. ___-  -1896 d. ___-  -1897             
7 Henry Savage Chase Cummings b. ___-  -1898 m. Dorothy D Smith                         
8 Henry Savage Chase Cummings Jr. b. Jun-17-1926               
8 John Metcalf Cummings b. Mar-10-1930               
8 Lincoln Clifford Cummings b. Oct-18-1934             
7 William Leverett Cummings b. Jan-  -1900 m. Oct-06-1928 Katharine Sears                        
8 Sally Chase Cummings b. Jan-15-1930               
8 William Leverett Cummings b. May-04-1931           
6 Mary Leverett Chase b. ___-  -1868 d. ___-  -1868         
5 William Cole Leverett b. Oct-29-1830 d. ___-  -1911 m. Cornelia Ingraham b. ___-  -1832 d. ___-  -1916           
6 Mary P Leverett b. Jul-23-1859           
6 William Leverett b. ___-  -1863 m. Elizabeth McKelvey           
6 Anna T Leverett b. ___-  -1866 d. ___-  -1916         
5 Susan E Leverett b. Dec-30-1832 d. ___-  -1899 m. William Tristram Dalton               
6 Abbie C Dalton b. ___-  -1860 m. Edgar Gerling             
7 Edith Gerling         
5 Daniel Sharp Leverett b. ___-  -1836 d. ___-  -1836         
5 Ellen Josephine Leverett b. ___-  -1838 d. ___-  -1912 m. Irah Chase Jr.               
6 Henry L Chase b. ___-  -1867 d. ___-  -1916 m. Frances Robertson             
7 Eleanor Duane Chase b. ___-  -1897 m. ___-  -1923 Edward V Mastin m. Hawley W. Ward                
 8 son b. ___-  -1930               
8 son b. ___-  -1932               
8 Eleanor Duane Ward m. unknown Hyland                 
9 Peter Ward Hyland b. Jun-03-1986               
8 Louise P?oller Ward m. unknown Harris                 
9 Mary Slocum Harris b. Sep-18-1986             
7 Anna (Nancy) L Chase b. _____ d. Nov-28-1987 m. John Lionberger b. ___-  -1920                 
8 several children             
7 Rebecca Duane Chase b. ___-  -1902 m. ___-  -1926 Edward R Trowbridge                   
 8 Edward R Trowbridge Jr. b. ___-  -1928 m. unknown                 
9 Rebecca Duane Trowbridge m. unknown Walsh                   
10 Chase Davis Walsh b. Mar-29-1986               
8 Leverett Chase Trowbridge b. Jul-29-1930             
7 Frances Chase b. ___-  -1906 m. ___-  -1926 Richard D'Orley Hughes              
6 Robert S Chase b. ___-  -1868 m. Jessie M Anderson             
7 Elizabeth LeBaron Chase b. ___-  -1903             
7 Charles D Chase b. May-  -1908 d. May-  -1908             
7 Josephine L Chase b. May-  -1908 d. May-  -1908           
6 Mary L Chase b. ___-  -1869 d. ___-  -1913 m. Allen K Smith             
7 Allen Leverett Smith b. ___-  -1903 d. ___-  -1929 m. Lona Mack m. Jul-  -1927 Helen E Nellis               
8 Virginia Smith b. Jul-08-1924               
8 Allen Smith b. Aug-24-1926             
7 Gilbert Marion Smith b. ___-  -1904 m. Sep-  -1928 Judith P Potter                               
8 Judith Smith             
7 Leverett Tyrell Smith b. ___-  -1907 m. ___-  -1934 Eleanor             
7 Kent Smith b. May-  -1909 m. Libby               
8 Serena Smith           
6 Josephine L Chase b. ___-  -1873 d. ___-  -1893         
5 Mary E Leverett b. ___-  -1844 d. ___-  -1926       
4 Sarah Fuller Leverett b. May-18-1801 d. Feb-23-1887 m. Apr-17-1825 George Leonard b. ___-  -1798 d. Aug-24-1873         
5 Sarah F Leonard b. ___-  -1826 d. ___-  -1827         
5 Mary Ann Leonard b. ___-  -1829 d. ___-  -1834         
5 Sarah Leonard b. ___-  -1830 d. ___-  -1832         
5 George Leonard Jr. b. Feb-28-1833 d. ___-  -1893 m. ___-  -1857 Elizabeth Marsh              
6 George M Leonard b. ___-  -1858 d. ___-  -1858           
6 Elizabeth Leonard m. ___-  -1891 Truesdell         
5 Helen Maria Leonard b. Mar-15-1836 d. Nov-03-1920 m. Dec-03-1856 Edw A Goddard               
6 Helen Goddard m. Brigham       
4 Thomas Jefferson Leverett b. Mar-22-1803 d. Dec-01-1836 m. Nov-29-1827 Louisa Dascomb b. ___-  -1800 d. ___-  -1876         
5 Louisa Ann Leverett b. Jul-02-1829 m. Charles Grames d. 25 Jun 1931            
6 William Grames           
6 son         
5 Maria Draper Leverett b. Dec-19-1832 d. Mar-19-1852       
4 Joseph Leverett b. Sep-04-1804 d. Feb-03-1878 m. Feb-19-1826 Mary Turner b. Dec-27-1800 d. Oct-03-1881         
5 William Leverett b. Apr-11-1829 d. Jul-03-1854         
5 James Walker Leverett b. Nov-19-1830 d. Jun-25-1916 m. Sep-01-1856 Harriet Maria Tisdel b. Mar-27-1836 d. Dec-21-1909           
6 Cora Marie Leverett b. Oct-24-1858 d. Aug-11-1859           
6 Mary Belle Leverett b. Oct-16-1860 d. Aug-24-1941 m. May-26-1880 George Pinkney Sanford b. Dec-24-1843 d. Aug-27-1902             
7 Arthur Leverett Sanford b. Sep-22-1882 d. Aug-11-1966 m. Sep-10-1906 Bessie Mann Mullenix b. Oct-04-1882 d. Jul-06-1959               
8 Arthur Leverett Sanford Jr. b. Apr-17-1912 m. Jul-23-1936 Elizabeth Rosalie Pickles b. Feb-23-1913                 
9 Wayne Coffman Sanford b. Mar-16-1949                 
9 Bruce Mullenix Sanford b. Mar-16-1951               
8 Mary Elizabeth Sanford b. Jun-29-1913 m. Jul-01-1939 Edwin B Bergquist b. Dec-23-1912                 
9 Peter Sanford Bergquist b. Jul-02-1949                 
9 Peggy Ann Bergquist b. Oct-13-1953               
8 Carol Byrnina Sanford b. Jun-12-1915 m. Jul-10-1939 John Edwin Miller b. Aug-18-1915                 
9 John Sanford Miller b. Jun-14-1941                 
9 James Edwin Miller b. May-13-1944                 
9 Robert Richard Miller b. Jan-23-1948                 
9 Mary Lee Miller b. Jan-23-1948             
7 Raymond Parker Sanford b. May-07-1888 d. Feb-13-1945 m. Jun-07-1911 Mary Viola Blair b. Jun-06-1891               
8 George Blair Sanford b. Oct-28-1912 d. 25 Aug 1980 m. Apr-17-1942 Ann Kirkwood Smith b. Jul-30-1917                 
9 Stephen Blair Sanford b. Nov-14-1946                 
9 Susan Ann Sanford b. Apr-01-1948 m. Jan-27-1973 Richard Clapp Bostwick b. ___-  -1941                   
10 Ruth Kirkwood Bostwick b. Sep-23-1976                   
10 Richard Sanford Bostwick b. Aug-02-1984               
8 Robert Raymond Sanford b. Dec-20-1916 d. Jan-22-1974 m. Dec-24-1941 Vera Edith McCulley b. Feb-05-1916                  
9 Valerie Kay Sanford b. Oct-09-1947 m. Aug-09-1987 Stephan Ameriyun                                
9 Lee Robert Sanford b. Aug-19-1950               
8 Victor Blair Sanford b. May-29-1918 m. Jan-10-1942 Clarine Georgia Kirby b. Sep-16-1915                
9 Raymond Kirby Sanford b. Oct-05-1947 m. Gloria Sarco                                           
10 Jessica Sanford b. Oct-19-1984                   
10 Erica Victoria Sanford b. Apr-19-1987                 
9 Cynthia Claire Sanford b. Jan-01-1960               
8 Norman Parker Sanford b. May-29-1918 d. Jun-10-1919              7                       
8 infant son b. Dec-  -1894 d. Dec-  -1894           
6 Frederick Eugene Leverett b. Dec-31-1861 d. May-13-1938 m. Apr-03-1894 Gertrude Mary Boone b. Mar-14-1868 d. Dec-27-1940             
7 Maurine Gertrude Leverett b. Mar-08-1895 d. Feb-10-1957 m. Nov-25-1920 Wayne James Teachout b. May-01-1891 d. May-31-1973               
8 Norma Imogene Teachout b. Sep-26-1921 m. May-23-1942 Robert Bryce Moulton b. Jun-21-1920                 
9 Janis Ann Moulton b. Oct-25-1945 m. 1-Jun-1990 Wim Van Alkelijen                                  
9 Frances Jo Moulton b. Apr-30-1948 m. Sep-02-1967 Terrance E Brady b. Jun-10-1946                    
10 Michelle Lynn Brady b. Sep-22-1969                   
10 Marybeth Brady b. Dec-12-1974                 
9 Thomas Robert Moulton b. Apr-13-1949 m. Jun-17-1969 Nancy Niehouse b. Oct-02-1949                   
10 Caryn Moulton b. Aug-21-1972                    
10 Thomas Michael Moulton b. Jun-01-1975               
8 John Duane Teachout b. Jan-26-1923 m. Dec-19-1942 Shirley Briggs                                  m. Jun-20-1950 Emily Katherine Sheets McMillan b. Mar-18-1908 d. Feb-06-1974                                  m. Apr-22-1975 Alice Sano                 
9 Charles Leverett Teachout b. Jul-23-1951 m. Nov-28-1987 Kim Lynette Belford b. Dec-25-1954                   
10 Jill Marie Teachout b. Dec-25-1988                   
10 Adam Thomas Teachout b. Aug-28-1990               
8 Frank Alden Teachout b. Oct-26-1928 d. Jul-07-1978 m. Apr-04-1952 Bernice Louise Tobias b. Apr-24-1933 d. Mar-29-1991                 
9 Gwyn Martha Teachout b. Nov-15-1953                 
9 Mark Wayne Teachout b. May-05-1955 m. Apr-02-1977 Sue Ann Bowden                   
10 David Frank Teachout b. 5-Dec-1979                   
10 Aaron Mark Teachout b. 15-Dec-1981                   
10 unknown Korean b. Jan-27-1985                 
9 Cheryl Maurine Teachout b. Jul-24-1956 m. 31-May-1980 Otis D. Ramsey                              
9 Brian Frank Teachout b. Jan-31-1958 m. 18-May-1978 Laura Ann Scanlon                                      m. 22-Aug-1980 Cynthia Mae Garczynski b. 11 Jun 1955                                      m. Marietta ?                   
10 daughter                    
10 daughter                   
10 daughter                 
9 Leslie Jean Teachout b. Feb-05-1961 m. 1-Jan-1983 Kenneth James Bier b. 16-Jul-1960                   
10 Shannon Louise Bier b. Jul-27-1990                 
9 June Louise Teachout b. Jun-11-1963 m. Jun-23-1989 Rick Martin b. -___-1960               
8 Warren Wayne Teachout b. Jul-02-1931 m. Oct-21-1950 Pauline Marie Reindeau b. Dec-06-1931 m. Nov-27-1974 Gail Nehls Pepper                 
9 Gail Lynn Teachout b. Sep-04-1951 m. May-17-1975 Jonathon William Benninghoff                 
9 Randall Warren Teachout b. Jan-17-1953 m. 8-Sep-1979 Julie Lynn Harper             
7 Lucille Eunice Leverett b. Aug-15-1897 d. Apr-27-1969 m. Feb-01-1928 Cyril Randolph Webb b. Mar-01-1887 d. Mar-05-1954               
8 Ivy Lucile Webb b. Aug-24-1928 m. Feb-23-1952 Loyd George Sype b. Aug-24-1922                 
9 Charles Loyd Sype b. Feb-10-1953 m. Mar-15-1982 Connie Marie Murray b. Nov-21-1949                    10 Charles Loyd Sype Jr. b. Mar-17-1981                   
10 Dawn Renee Sype b. 1-Jul-1982                 
9 Peter Cyril Sype b. Jan-23-1956 m. Jul-03-1976 Kathy Smith b. Feb-25-1958 d. 1 Feb 1980                                      m. Sep-03-1988 Anita Creme b. Dec-17-1954                   
10 Cassandra Lynn Sype b. Jan-03-1990                 
9 Glen Alan Sype b. Oct-25-1959 m. Jun-26-1987 Jennifer M. Dusseau b. Aug-22-1958                  
 9 Eric Carl Sype b. Dec-11-1965               
8 Winifred Ruth Webb b. Feb-10-1930               
8 Eunice Helene Webb b. Nov-18-1931 d. Oct-06-1989 m. Jan-05-1952 Howard Elwyn Close b. Sep-08-1933                 
9 Donald Charles Close b. Oct-11-1952 m. Sep-16-1972 Nanci Lyn Bice                   
10 Amerette Michelle Close b. Aug-21-1974                   
10 Adrianne Michalene Close b. 19 Oct 1977                 
9 David Howard Close b. May-12-1954 m. Oct-18-1974 Lisa Ann Wilson b. Nov-03-1954                    10 Stephanie Ann Close b. 5-Oct-1978                    
10 Katharine Sue Close b. Sep-04-1981                 
9 Karen Elaine Close b. Dec-01-1955 m. Jul-18-1975 Dennis Metty                   
10 Kristen Elaine Metty b. Feb-27-1977                   
10 Kay Renee Metty b. 22-May-1979                
8 Helen Carol Webb b. Sep-29-1933 d. Jan-28-1981 m. Jul-03-1953 William Norman Sawyer b. May-21-1933                 
9 Diana Marie Sawyer b. Nov-07-1956 m. 1-Dec-1978 Richard Myers b. 18 Aug 1949                     
10 Christopher Richard Myers b. 30 Apr 1980                 
9 Paul William Sawyer b. Jul-21-1960 m. May-01-1981 Mary Ann Becker b. Mar-15-1959                
 8 Frederick Leverett Webb b. Dec-28-1934 m. Jul-08-1960 Betty Ann Anderson b. Nov-30-1934                                  m. Alice m. M Hoestetter                 
9 Jeffery Alan Webb b. Feb-03-1961                 
9 Julie Ann Webb b. Aug-17-1963                 
9 Jeffrey Webb                 
9 Julie Webb               
8 Joyce Audrey Webb b. Aug-01-1936 m. Sep-10-1955 Coy Clennan Harmon b. Oct-20-1929                                  m. -___-1983 Thomas Ham                 
9 Sharon Diane Harmon b. Jun-15-1960 d. Nov-21-1975                 
9 Daniel Ross Harmon b. Jan-02-1963               
8 Maxine Cora Webb b. Jun-05-1938 m. Jun-12-1954 Roy Louis Adams b. Feb-07-1936                   
9 Randy Clifford Adams b. Sep-21-1956 m. May-30-1981 Danielle Dawn Smith b. ___-  -1963                     
10 David Randy Adams b. Dec-21-1984                 
9 Darel Roy Adams b. Feb-07-1958 m. May-30-1981 Linda Kay Barker b. ___-  -1959                                      m. Oct-05-1988 Judy Lee                   
10 Darel James Adams b. May-25-1989               
8 Emily Gertrude Webb b. Oct-11-1940 m. Jun-12-1961 William Turner b. Jan-23-1937                                  m. Dean Conrad                 
9 William Randolph Turner b. Mar-09-1962                 
9 Ian Scott Turner b. Jan-14-1966                 
9 Craig Andrew Turner b. Sep-27-1967               
8 Merle Quentin Webb b. Jun-11-1942 m. Jul-14-1962 Sharon Lee Smith b. Jun-19-1944                  
 9 Steven Merle Webb b. Dec-16-1963                 
9 Wenda Louise Webb b. Dec-21-1965                 
9 Malissa Anne Webb b. Nov-16-1967                 
9 son b. Nov-05-1968             
7 Robert Eli Leverett b. Jul-22-1899 d. Nov-04-1947 m. Dec-19-1931 Bertha Lenore Poe Wire b. May-12-1882 d. Mar-20-1971             
7 Florence May Leverett b. Aug-07-1901 m. Feb-27-1926 Robert William Hodge b. Aug-23-1899 d. Dec-27-1987               
8 Doris Leota Hodge b. Dec-24-1926 d. May-05-1952 m. Jun-29-1946 John Klohs b. Jan-08-1924                 
9 Dennis John Klohs b. Jul-26-1948 m. Jul-28-1967 Linda Louise Watrous b. Feb-04-1949                    10 Gregory John Klohs b. Nov-05-1968 d. Nov-05-1968                 
9 Karen Sue Klohs b. Oct-06-1950 m. May-04-1968 Justin P Sprout                                      m. Aug 1979 Mark Hoseney                   
10 Scott Lee Sprout b. Nov-14-1968                   
10 Kimberly Sue Sprout b. Nov-22-1971               
8 Gertrude Mary Hodge b. May-05-1928 m. Jun-09-1953 John William Fischer b. Nov-02-1927                   
9 Nancy Jean Fischer b. Dec-02-1956 m. May-15-1982 Geoffrey Lee Crosbie b. Dec-02-1954                     
10 Megan Lee Crosbie b. Nov-26-1986                 
9 Jay Lindsay Fischer b. Jul-20-1963               
8 Alberta Maurine Hodge b. May-16-1930 m. Jul-31-1948 William Henry Quesenberry b. Jul-28-1926 m. 
10 May 1980 Ray Crysler b. 13 Aug 1928 d. Feb-10-1982                 
9 Marjorie Ann Quesenberry b. Jun-08-1950 m. Jun-28-1968 Maynard L Garrett b. Sep-20-1946                     
10 Matthew Alexander Garrett b. 28-Jun-1980                   
10 Michael Loren Garrett b. 22-Jan-1984                   
10 Marshall Alan Garrett b. Mar-27-1986                 
9 Alan William Quesenberry b. Sep-19-1952 m. Jun-11-1978 Betty Jean Rolf b. Nov-15-1957                                      m. 1-Dec-1984 Kandi Richard               
8 Robert Aaron Hodge b. Jun-18-1932 m. Oct-08-1955 Shirley Jean Pratt b. Jan-23-1933                  9 Kathryn Ann Hodge b. Sep-24-1956 m. Oct-19-1974 Danniel Gene Bacon b. Nov-03-1951                    10 Nicole Renee Bacon b. 24-Nov-1979                   
10 Dayna Amanda Bacon b. 6-Jun-1984                 
9 Douglas Ellis Hodge b. Dec-22-1962 m. Pamela Pampenthal                   
10 Aaron George Hodge b. Aug-28-1987                 
9 Dale Lowell Hodge b. Jul-19-1964                 
9 Dean Paul Hodge b. May-30-1965               
8 Elsie Louise Hodge b. Jun-17-1934 m. Dec-30-1950 Robert Erwin Gould b. Feb-08-1931                                  m. Apr-08-1972 Lyle Laverne Rowley b. 8 Jul 1942                 
9 Jack Allan Gould b. Sep-20-1952 m. Apr-09-1981 Barbara Miller Stewart b. Jan-18-1944                     
10 Benjamin Gould b. Jan-29-1982                   
10 Jonathan Quinn Gould b. Mar-14-1986                   
10 Anthony David Gould b. Aug-31-1989                   
10 Rebecca                 
9 Judith Lynne Gould b. Jun-22-1954 m. Jul-03-1974 Richard Charles Whitehead b. Nov-26-1952                   
10 Bethany Sue Whitehead b. Nov-05-1982                   
10 Michael James Whitehead b. 26-Oct-1984                 
9 Susan Laura Gould b. Sep-21-1959 m. 22 Dec 1979 Huel James Chenault b. Apr 1951                    10 Stephen Alan Chenault b. Dec-24-1987                   
10 Nathan Paul Chenault b. Mar-16-1990                  
9 Loretta Marie Gould b. Sep-21-1959 m. Jun-18-1977 Randy Turner b. Apr-14-1955                     
10 Daniel Lynn Turner b. Apr-09-1985                   
10 Heather Michelle Turner b. Feb-19-1987               
8 Josephine Deanna Hodge b. Feb-16-1937 m. May-02-1959 Harold F Piehutkoski b. Mar-14-1934                 
9 Jeffrey Frank Piehutkoski b. Oct-14-1963 m. Dec-06-1986 Kellee Haddenham                     
10 Sammi Jo Piehutkoski b. Sep-17-1988                 
9 Lynne Marie Piehutkoski b. Oct-01-1966 m. Oct-15-1988 Scott Koch b. Mar-13-1959                 
8 Ronald Leverett Hodge b. May-08-1940 m. Apr-24-1970 Jan Elaine Koelling b. Jun-17-1947                  
 9 Adam Leverett Hodge b. 27 Jun 1973                  
9 Erin Michael Hodge b. May-16-1975               
8 Roger Oren Hodge b. Mar-26-1944               
8 Shirley Irene Hodge b. Jul-31-1946 m. May-23-1986 Lisandro Angel Palacios b. Sep-22-1957             
7 Edward William Leverett b. Oct-16-1903 d. Jan-09-1941 m. Jul-22-1939 Kathleen Saal Howard b. Apr-04-1900 d. 17 May 1979             
7 Glen Frank Leverett b. Feb-15-1906 d. 28-Oct-1984 m. Sep-23-1927 Jean Elizabeth Welch b. Jan-04-1913 m. Sep-30-1957 Merle Stacia Bonecutter Stiving b. May-08-1904 m. Sep-09-1964 Virginia Brothers Wingrove b. Dec-25-1918               
8 Glen Frederick Leverett b. Mar-08-1930 m. Aug-23-1952 Carol Elaine Aumend b. Aug-02-1930                 
9 Kyle Lee Leverett b. May-03-1958 m. Whitney Hopkins Wilcox                    
10 Whitney Hopkins Wilcox Jr. b. 22-Apr-1984                 
9 Kevin Franklin Leverett b. Mar-13-1960 m. 23 Dec 1978 Catharine Abigail Richmond b. 1 Dec 1959                   
10 Zachary Franklin Leverett b. 2-Jan-1979                   
10 Amanda Catherine Leverett b. May-15-1981               
8 Erlinda Adele Leverett b. Dec-05-1931 m. Sep-04-1954 Thomas Owen Miller b. Aug-26-1932                   
9 Thomas Owen Miller Jr. b. Jul-23-1955 m. Aug-  -1973 Elizabeth Suzanne Field                     
10 Jason Alexander Miller b. Oct-09-1974                   
10 Ian Thomas Miller b. Mar-26-1977                 
9 James Irving Miller b. Nov-20-1956 m. unknown                   
10 Derek James Miller b. Jan-29-1983                 
9 Lynda Jean Miller b. Apr-10-1959                 
9 Laura Jane Miller b. Sep-21-1961               
8 Eugene Raymond Leverett b. Apr-16-1934 m. Dec-01-1956 Ruth Frances Stout b. Oct-14-1939                   
9 Gregory Mario Leverett b. Jul-28-1957                 
9 Tina Lee Leverett b. Aug-23-1958 m. 19-Apr-1980 Dale Collins                   
10 Brian Collins                   
10 Brandon Collins                 
9 Cinthia Lynn Leverett b. Mar-22-1961 m. -May-1989 Bryan Duroche                 
9 Diana Louise Leverett b. Apr-19-1962 m. 1-Jul-1979 Lloyd Harrison                   
10 Zachary Harrison b. -___-1980                 
9 Blake Andrew Leverett b. Feb-28-1965 m. -Jun-1988 Sarah McQuilkin             
7 Donald Frederic Leverett b. May-28-1911 d. Apr-24-1980 m. Feb-21-1942 Dale Radder b. Oct-13-1916               
8 Donna Dale Leverett b. Jul-07-1944 m. May-30-1970 Leo Vincent Welsh Jr. m. Jan-03-1988 Kenneth Alan Childs               
8 Lynette Louise Leverett b. Feb-20-1947 m. Nov-27-1970 Charles W Bohl b. Nov-20-1940             
6 Thomas Tisdel Leverett b. Aug-24-1863 d. Aug-17-1955 m. Feb-17-1889 Nellie M Fee b. Feb-03-1864 d. Jun-12-1930             
7 James Fee Leverett b. Apr-14-1895 d. Apr-19-1943 m. Aug-04-1920 Lelah Viola Walrod b. Jul-08-1889               
8 James Walrod Leverett b. Oct-27-1922               
8 Mary Helen Leverett b. Mar-10-1928 m. Jul-09-1955 Richard Gilbert Galeria b. Feb-14-1923                 
9 Debra Marie Galeria b. May-29-1956                 
9 Elizabeth Jane Galeria b. Sep-02-1959             
7 Thomas Tisdel Leverett Jr. b. Jul-10-1902 d. Mar-23-1988 m. Mar-07-1925 Frances Josephine Hopkins b. Nov-19-1903               
8 Carol Jeanne Leverett b. Nov-25-1925 m. Dec-17-1947 John Howard Aaron b. Nov-29-1923 d. Jun-29-1963                 
9 John Steven Aaron b. Jul-01-1948                 
9 Thomas Michael Aaron b. Nov-04-1952 m. Jul-19-1975 Carol Joan Hilmoe b. Jul-07-1953                  9 David Mark Aaron b. Aug-29-1954                 
9 James Richard Aaron b. Sep-06-1957                 
9 Jeanne Ann Aaron b. Mar-21-1959               
8 Virginia Marie Leverett b. Apr-18-1928 m. May-01-1950 Lee Roy Trammell b. Nov-29-1923 d. Nov-15-1969 m. 1112 1971 Norman Earl Meinke b. Dec-25-1927                 
9 Jeffrey Lee Trammell b. Feb-01-1951                 
9 James Scott Trammell b. May-04-1952                 
9 Joel Robert Trammell b. Dec-29-1956               
8 Richard Hopkins Leverett b. Oct-12-1944 d. Sep-20-1954               
8 John Dexter Leverett b. Aug-19-1946 m. Jan-31-1971 Nancy Ann Russell b. Apr-30-1949                  9 David Thomas Leverett b. Dec-17-1972                 
9 Jennifer Leverett b. -___-1976             
7 Walter Freeman Leverett b. Oct-04-1909 m. Apr-29-1933 Florence Louise Fosdick b. Aug-29-1911 d. -Oct-1984               
8 Martha Louise Leverett b. Nov-28-1936               
8 William James Leverett b. Feb-15-1938 m. Unknown                 
9 David Leverett b. -___-1961                 
9 Scott Leverett b. / / 62                 
9 Ann Louise Leverett b. -___-1962                 
9 Amy Lynn Leverett b. -___-1970           
6 William Joseph Leverett b. Sep-01-1867 d. Apr-06-1959 m. Aug-10-1893 Julia Moore Reynolds d. Jul-16-1956             
7 James Reynolds Leverett b. Jul-18-1895 d. Mar-16-1970 m. Jan-29-1920 Verna Viola Mauer b. Jan-29-1896 d. Apr-10-1951 m. Apr-29-1952 Margaret Adeline Lesan b. Oct-06-1900 d. Dec-04-1975               
8 Carol Verna Leverett b. Oct-16-1921 d. Oct-11-1998 m. Jun-16-1942 Harry Hammack Tomlin b. Feb-23-1917 d. Jan-05-1944                 
9 Stephen Leverett Tomlin b. Jan-08-1944 d. Oct-11-1997 m. Apr-02-1966 Sheila Rae Young b. Jan-20-1945                   
10 David James Tomlin b. Aug-10-1968                   
10 Michael Patrick Tomlin b. May-05-1972               
8 James Reynolds Leverett Jr. b. Apr-30-1927 m. Jun-10-1950 Margret Ann Wallace b. Jun-08-1928                 
9 Bruce Wallace Leverett b. May-17-1952 m. Feb-25-1984 Nancy Byers b. Jan-09-1953                    10 Alison Madeline Leverett b. Nov-30-1990                   
10 Ryan James Leverett b. 29 Aug 1996                  
9 Thomas John Leverett b. Apr-21-1954 Linda Chandler                                      
 m. Jun-07-1986 Elizabeth Herman b. Jul-19-1963                   
10 Josephine Rose Chandler b. Apr-11-1978                   
10 Justin Samuel Leverett b. Sep-24-1987                   
10 Noah Abraham Leverett b. 20-Feb-1992                 
9 Margot Julia Leverett b. Sep-09-1958                 
9 William Frank Leverett b. Mar-10-1963 m. 10 Aug 1997 Lisa Hopkinson               
8 daughter, stillborn b. ___-  -1932           
6 Frank Stowe Leverett b. Sep-28-1869 d. Jun-07-1937 m. Jun-03-1889 Maude R Coursen d. ___-  -1951           
6 Clarence Leverett b. May-10-1871 d. Sep-28-1871           
6 Carrie Gertrude Leverett b. Mar-04-1873 d. Oct-20-1958 m. Sep-01-1896 Allison Wix Augur b. Oct-11-1865 d. Mar-31-1943             
7 Marion Gertrude Augur b. Jul-20-1897 m. Mar-26-1921 Howard Frederick Keller b. Nov-13-1899 d. 29 Nov 1977               
8 Howard Frederick Keller Jr. b. Oct-31-1923 d. Oct-13-1991 m. Feb-04-1945 Jane Lucile Drown b. Jan-11-1920                 
9 Steven Douglas Keller b. Jul-08-1946 m. Apr-19-1969 Barbara Elizabeth Kotich b. Jan-07-1946                 
9 Bruce Howard Keller b. Jun-23-1949               
8 Marion Jean Keller b. Nov-25-1929 m. Nov-25-1950 Robert McNab b. Mar-21-1921                  
 9 Laurie McNab b. May-26-1952 m. Lewis Kirk Lawrence b. Aug-07-1971                   
10 Shelby Lawrence b. Oct-27-1976                   
10 Benjamin Michael Lawrence b. 8-Mar-1980                 
9 Michael Stuart McNab b. Mar-21-1955 d. Feb-20-1976                 
9 Robin McNab b. Aug-08-1960                 
9 Shelley McNab b. Sep-16-1961 m. Aug-23-1985 Robert Joseph Burg b. 29-Aug-1947                     
10 James Alexander Burg b. Jan-12-1991             
7 Lois Helen Augur b. Mar-19-1899 d. 1979 m. Dec-03-1949 Jeptha Milton Gibbs b. Jan-18-1901 d. Nov-09-1973             
7 Eleanor Harriet Augur b. Apr-27-1900 d. Apr-18-1985 m. Sep-01-1923 Roy Carleton Tasker b. Feb-19-1896               
8 Lois Anne Tasker b. Jan-08-1935 m. Jun-04-1955 G. Kent Bittner b. Mar-03-1936                   
9 G. Scott Bittner b. Dec-11-1955                 
9 LaVonne Anne Bittner b. Apr-28-1957 m. Feb-14-1977 Joe Walter b. Feb-03-1954                     
10 Sandra Marie Walter b. May-28-1980                 
9 David Roy Bittner b. Apr-11-1960                 
9 Terri Anne Bittner b. Oct-25-1961                  
9 Todd Andrew Bittner b. Aug-15-1965               
8 William Allison Tasker b. Jul-30-1935 m. Jan-14-1957 Katherine Joann Straub b. Jan-05-1941 m. Sep-27-1968 Carol Michael b. Aug-21-1945                 
9 Kathy Louise Tasker b. Mar-14-1958                  
9 William Charleton Tasker b. May-08-1960                 
9 Roy Allen Tasker b. Aug-25-1961 d. ___-  -1962                 
9 Brenda Sue Tasker b. Jul-30-1973                 
9 William Allen Tasker b. Jul-30-1973             
7 Allison Leverett Augur b. Mar-29-1902 d. 23-Jun-1979 m. Jun-11-1925 Ethel Louise Strawbridge b. Jan-06-1903 d. Dec-25-1991               
8 Allison Leverett Augur Jr. b. Oct-09-1928 m. Aug-04-1950 Lois Dean b. Jul-03-1928                   
9 Susan Jane Augur b. Aug-19-1953                 
9 Harold William Augur b. Dec-08-1956                 
9 Catherine Louise Augur b. Nov-18-1958               
8 Robert Charles Augur b. Aug-03-1933 m. Jan-27-1955 Emily Jones Roberts b. Sep-17-1934                  
 9 Robert Charles Augur Jr. b. Nov-30-1955                 
9 John Michael Augur b. Jun-15-1958                 
9 David Scott Augur b. Jan-14-1960             
7 Leila Frances Augur b. Apr-01-1904 d. Sep-10-1990 m. Sep-22-1925 Roger Wilcox Strickland b. Aug-13-1904 m. Aug-29-1961 Harold Austin Tubby b. Jun-22-1886 d. Dec-10-1974               
8 Roger Wilcox Strickland II. b. Oct-26-1926 m. Jan-24-1948 Charlotte Jean Pratt b. Feb-10-1924                 
9 Roger Wilcox Strickland III. b. Nov-20-1949 m. Apr-26-1975 Andrea Barbato b. Dec-15-1946                 
9 Cheryl Louise Strickland b. Mar-22-1952 m. Sep-18-1971 Daryl Fry b. Oct-26-1951                    10 Hollie Renee Fry b. Mar-15-1975                  
9 Kent Alan Strickland b. Jun-23-1956                 
9 Marcia Ann Strickland b. Jun-12-1958               
8 James Leverett Strickland b. Aug-18-1936 m. Jun-03-1956 Bernice Eleanor Ambelang b. Apr-22-1938                 
9 James Leverett Strickland Jr. b. Mar-02-1957                 
9 Jeffrey Scott Strickland b. Mar-28-1958 d. Jan-17-1975                 
9 Kenneth Carl Strickland b. Aug-29-1961         
5 Ebenezer Turner Leverett b. Oct-29-1832 d. Oct-19-1911 m. May-12-1858 Rowena Houston b. Nov-11-1831 d. Feb-19-1902           
6 Frank Leverett b. Mar-10-1859 d. Nov-15-1943 m. Dec-22-1887 Frances Evelyn Gibson b. Dec-23-1862 d. Jul-10-1892 m. Dec-18-1895 Christena Park b. Mar-10-1875 d. Jun-07-1964             
6 Charles Warren Leverett b. Feb-19-1862 d. Jan-19-1929 m. Oct-15-1884 Flotilla Viola Riddle b. Aug-16-1861 d. Dec-19-1938             
7 Letha Pearl Leverett b. Oct-06-1885 d. Jul-23-1955 m. Jun-08-1922 John Marvin Graves b. Sep-24-1874 d. Feb-23-1927             
7 Ruth Rowena Leverett b. Jun-19-1889 d. Jan-02-1973 m. Dec-17-1913 Oscar Thoe b. Feb-10-1884 d. Feb-24-1976               
8 Frances Evelyn Thoe b. Mar-06-1915 m. Jun-19-1936 Chet George Osborne b. Jun-30-1912 d. Oct-24-1964 m. Dec-29-1973 Wendell H Lenton b. Jan-12-1914                 
9 Kay Marie Osborne b. Jan-06-1939 m. Aug-07-1965 David Liewlyn Rose b. May-25-1937                   
9 Paul Kent Osborne b. May-31-1944 d. May-31-1944                 
9 Pamela Jane Osborne b. Nov-28-1946 m. Jun-21-1970 Harold Joseph Abdo                     
10 Sarah Jane Abdo b. 23-Apr-1978                 
9 Patricia Jean Osborne b. Nov-28-1946 m. Aug-20-1965 Dennis Howard Troen b. Sep-04-1946                     
10 Jaclyn Jean Troan b. 5 Feb 1978               
8 Frederick Leverett Thoe b. Sep-20-1916 m. Oct-31-1954 Olive Mae Criner b. Aug-22-1921                   
9 Olivia Shalene Thoe b. Jun-01-1956                 
9 Mark David Thoe b. Aug-31-1959               
8 Ruth Elizabeth Thoe b. Aug-18-1918 m. Sep-17-1940 Garth Edgar Blaisdell b. Dec-16-1917                  
 9 Linda Louise Blaisdell b. Aug-11-1942 m. Aug-14-1965 Burkhart Glendon Smith b. Aug-07-1941                   
10 Sarah Blaisdell Smith b. Jun-17-1971                 
9 Julie Ann Blaisdell b. Feb-08-1946 m. Mar-10-1973 John Craig Beale b. Apr-06-1950                   
9 Jeffrey Jay Blaisdell b. Feb-29-1952              
8 Esther Matilda Thoe b. Aug-18-1918 d. Aug-15-1921             
7 Olive Frances Leverett b. Sep-13-1891 d. 13-Oct-1964 m. Sep-02-1922 Erwin James Otis b. Nov-14-1888 d. Oct-14-1964               
8 Erwin James Otis Jr. b. Mar-09-1917 d. Oct-17-1982 m. May-08-1943 Nedra J Smith b. Jun-30-1921                 
9 Daren Jean Otis b. Feb-14-1946                 
9 Lorelle Gay Otis b. Jul-13-1947 m. 7-Jun-1975 Wayne B. Thomas                   
10 Kristine Thomas                 
9 Gard William Otis b. Nov-04-1951 m. 4-Jun-1976 Unknown               
8 Willard Leverett Otis b. Feb-21-1925 m. Sep-04-1948 Beatrice Johnson b. Dec-15-1928                  9 Amy Lynn Otis b. Mar-14-1953 m. 27 Feb 1977 Walter F. Lange III                 
9 David Kim Otis b. Mar-05-1954 m. 28 Apr 1978 Susan Jean Steketee b.
9 Jun 1954               
8 Charles Leroy Otis b. Oct-18-1928 m. May-08-1954 Patricia LeFranc b. Apr-01-1933                   
9 Pamela Kay Otis b. Aug-24-1956 m. 28-Apr-1979 Michael A. Kietter                   
10 Anthony James Kietter b. 16-Nov-1979                  
9 Charles Lee Otis b. Oct-03-1958                 
9 Catherine Ann Otis b. Jan-19-1961             
7 Harold Riddle Leverett b. Apr-04-1895 d. 28 Oct 1977 m. Feb-09-1919 Edith Watmore Webb b. Aug-06-1895 d. Dec-11-1976               
8 Charles William Leverett b. Jul-24-1920 d. Nov-19-1976 m. Dec-20-1942 Dorothy Marie Gross b. Dec-18-1920                 
9 Judith Lymann Leverett b. Jul-25-1944 m. Dec-20-1963 Larry Grant Foster                   
9 Charles William Leverett b. Jun-30-1948 d. Aug-28-1962                 
9 Kristine Marie Leverett b. Nov-30-1951 m. Aug-05-1972 Michael Alan Tracy m. 5-Nov-1977 Michael James Stagg                   
10 Timothy Park b. 02-02-1975                   
10 Kelli Nicole Stagg b. 6-Mar-1978                  
9 Michael Webb Leverett b. Dec-30-1955 m. 2-Nov-1979 Christine Bonk                   
10 Nicole Renee Leverett b. Mar-08-1983                   
10 Brant Charles Leverett b. Nov-04-1984               
8 Harold Douglas Leverett b. Aug-15-1922 d. Oct-06-1978               
8 Delyn Marilyn Leverett b. Oct-16-1926 m. Jun-15-1947 Philip Wurzel b. Sep-07-1918                  
 9 Linda Lee Wurzel b. Nov-05-1948 m. Jun-20-1970 Dale Woolace                   
10 Ketura Mary Woolace b. Aug-14-1975                    
10 Micah Phillip Woolace b. Jan-10-1978                 
9 Dawson Leverett Wurzel b. Feb-07-1952 m. Aug-21-1976 Kathryn Ann Noland                     
10 Daniel Levi Wurzel b. Mar-16-1984                   
10 Clarissa Emily Wurzel b. Jan-12-1987                 
9 Mark Alec Wurzel b. Jun-27-1954           
6 Mary Elizabeth Leverett b. Dec-06-1868 d. Feb-03-1943 m. Apr-12-1899 Asa Turner Houston b. Aug-18-1868 d. May-10-1940             
7 Clyde Leverett Houston b. Aug-11-1900 m. Mar-25-1922 Elsie Shepard b. Jan-11-1901                
 8 Kenneth Leverett Houston b. Mar-12-1923 m. Nov-19-1955 Betty Jo Robbins b. Aug-23-1926                                  m. Sep-06-1967 Peggy Sneary                
8 Harley Shepard Houston b. Mar-22-1924 m. Nov-07-1948 Lucille Elizabeth Schubert b. Mar-02-1923                 
9 David Alan Houston b. Dec-18-1950                 
9 Sherry Lynn Houston b. May-12-1954                 
9 Timothy Lee Houston b. Jan-15-1960               
8 Clifford Russell Houston b. Sep-06-1927 m. Aug-14-1955 Wanda Fay Wheeler b. Jun-26-1932                  
 9 Bradley Thomas Houston b. Sep-08-1956                 
9 Russell Wheeler Houston b. Oct-25-1962                 
9 Randall Wayne Houston b. Feb-16-1964 d. Feb-19-1964               
8 Harold Hays Houston b. Nov-09-1928 m. Apr-03-1955 Elizabeth Ann Eckmeier b. Dec-22-1931                   
9 Kevin Lee Houston b. Mar-23-1956                 
9 Michael Jay Houston b. Sep-01-1957                 
9 Theresa Ann Houston b. Sep-08-1958               
8 Carol Ann Houston b. Mar-06-1942 d. Mar-06-1942             
7 Florence Sturgis Houston b. Jul-13-1902 m. Oct-12-1928 Hartwell Grey Dow b. Nov-07-1900               
 8 James Roger Dow b. Nov-07-1929 m. Jun-26-1954 Patricia Louise Caldwell b. May-28-1932                   
9 Stephen Michael Dow b. Jun-29-1955                 
9 Ann Elizabeth Dow b. Jan-18-1957               
8 Dorothy Ann Dow b. Dec-20-1934 m. Oct-24-1959 Robert E Sorensen b. Jun-08-1933                  
 9 David Robert Sorensen b. Nov-20-1960                 
9 Carol Sue Sorensen b. Aug-24-1962         
5 Frances Ellen Leverett b. Feb-11-1835 d. ___-  -1892 m. Oct-27-1861 Israel White          
 5 Sarah Fuller Leverett b. May-04-1838 d. Feb-04-1919 m. Jan-09-1859 Charles Wills Boone b. Sep-29-1831 d. Jul-12-1896           
6 Nellie Hamblin Boone b. Sep-04-1860 d. Mar-  -1922           
6 Mary Leverett Boone b. Dec-09-1862 d. Mar-12-1943 m. ___-  -1889 Franklin Groesbeck b. Aug-13-1862 d. May-25-1943             
7 Burt Joseph Groesbeck b. May-03-1890 d. 17-Sep-1974             
7 Lois Emily Groesbeck b. Dec-21-1891 m. Dec-02-1915 Charles Harmon Bussell b. Oct-11-1890               
8 Frank Charles Bussell b. Jul-14-1932 m. Mar-05-1952 Barbara Lee Weaver b. Oct-31-1935                   
9 Terri Lois Bussell b. Jun-09-1953 m. Steven B. Wegner MD b. 6 Nov 1953                     
10 Aaron Charles Wegner b. Jul-31-1981                 
9 Bradley Lane Bussell b. Jan-14-1957           
6 Harriet Theresa Boone b. Dec-11-1865 d. Feb-05-1952 m. Jan-28-1899 Ben LeRoy Palmer b. Feb-24-1865 d. Jul-16-1942             
7 Charles Boone Palmer b. Nov-29-1900 m. Sep-06-1930 Grace Elva Barr b. Jun-11-1904                
 8 Mary Barr Palmer b. Feb-02-1935 m. Sep-08-1956 Frank Harold Pigott b. Sep-04-1932                  9 Charles Harold Pigott b. May-03-1961             
7 John Franklin Palmer b. Feb-03-1902 m. Oct-14-1925 Gertrude Mae Shookman b. May-14-1900                 
8 John Franklin Palmer b. Nov-13-1926 d. Nov-14-1926               
8 Alfred Donald Palmer b. Dec-15-1927 m. Jul-24-1954 Kathleen Ann Woodward b. Sep-15-1932                 
8 Lois Ann Palmer b. Dec-15-1931 m. Jul-12-1952 Glen Lindberg Tallman b. Apr-21-1927                  9 Patti Ann Tallman b. May-04-1956                 
9 Peggy Lynn Tallman b. Nov-28-1959             
7 Mary Annette Palmer b. Feb-28-1904 d. Jul-24-1964 m. Nov-25-1927 Charles Robert Bury b. Dec-03-1907               
8 Charles Robert Bury Jr. b. Sep-28-1928 m. Sep-09-1950 Marilyn Mildred Ellis b. Nov-21-1928                 
9 Christopher Robert Bury b. Feb-10-1953                  
9 Carolyn Ann Bury b. Feb-09-1957               
8 Dallas Harriet Bury b. Dec-14-1929 m. Sep-10-1949 Calvin Seanor Ewald b. Nov-04-1924                   
9 Jessica Ann Ewald b. May-26-1952                 
9 Guy Robert Ewald b. Apr-08-1954                  
9 Erik Charles Ewald b. Sep-06-1959             
7 Alfred Leverett Palmer b. Dec-30-1908 m. Dec-31-1936 Mary Davidson b. Jan-26-1913                
 8 Polly Palmer b. Oct-26-1946               
8 Nancy Palmer b. Nov-30-1948           
6 Franklin George Boone b. Oct-14-1867 d. Jan-09-1952 m. Jan-28-1897 Margaret Ann McCormack b. Nov-27-1870 d. May-30-1957             
7 Sarah Elizabeth Boone b. Jan-09-1898 d. Nov-08-1942 m. Oct-10-1923 George LeRoy Pinney b. Aug-05-1894 d. Mar-10-1973                
8 George LeRoy Pinney Jr. b. Nov-03-1925 m. Oct-20-1946 Suzanne Newman b. Feb-04-1926                  9 Sarah Katherine Pinney b. Aug-23-1947                 
9 Susan Margaret Pinney b. Mar-08-1951                 
9 George LeRoy Pinney III. b. Jun-12-1955               
8 Gloria Ann Pinney b. Mar-22-1928 d. Dec-08-1985 m. Dec-03-1955 Burnette I Noble Jr. b. Apr-03-1930                 
9 Linda Ann Noble b. Jan-14-1957                 
9 Nancy Jo Noble b. Apr-09-1958                 
9 Jennifer Leigh Noble b. Feb-12-1962               
8 Sarah Jane Pinney b. Jun-18-1930 m. May-31-1952 Robert Cole Smith b. Sep-30-1924                   
9 Arthur Andrew Smith b. Feb-27-1953                 
9 Margaret Ann Smith b. Jul-08-1955                 
9 Karen Kay Smith b. Sep-27-1956                 
9 Pamela Jane Smith b. Jun-04-1959                 
9 Sharon Diane Smith b. Nov-16-1964             
7 Franklin McCormack Boone b. Aug-22-1901 d. Nov-08-1942 m. Feb-01-1942 Allenna Lunt b. May-08-1904           
6 Emily Boone b. Dec-03-1872 d. Jun-09-1959 m. Sep-11-1901 Louis Pepoon b. Dec-12-1874 d. Oct-02-1958             
7 Florence Harriet Pepoon b. Dec-18-1903 d. ___-  -1985 m. Oct-02-1948 Swen Leonard Hallquist b. Dec-24-1889 d. Dec-27-1965           
6 Charles Boone b. Aug-29-1876 d. Jan-26-1941 m. Sep-03-1906 Ruby Leone Dobler b. Dec-31-1874 d. Jan-06-1967             
7 Marion Boone b. Apr-16-1908 d. Sep-16-1964 m. Jun-28-1930 Orval Dorman Bast b. Jul-04-1907             
7 Charles Leverett Boone b. Apr-17-1914 d. Jul-27-1971 m. Mar-06-1942 Laura Lou Glueck b. Mar-26-1920               
8 Charles Leverett Boone Jr. b. May-10-1944                
8 Laura Leone Boone b. Jun-30-1951         
5 George Walker Leverett b. Apr-15-1840 d. Jan-14-1925 m. Jul-01-1861 Maria Celia Chapman b. Apr-09-1841 d. Oct-10-1918           
6 Fannie Leonora Leverett b. Jun-16-1863 d. Aug-22-1950 m. Nov-09-1887 Jefferson Martin Whitford b. Feb-28-1862 d. Sep-10-1918             
7 Margaret Maria Whitford b. Apr-20-1889 d. Dec-12-1942 m. Jun-04-1919 Swen Leonard Hallquist b. Dec-24-1889 d. Dec-27-1965             
7 Leverett George Whitford b. Nov-24-1892 m. Oct-15-1958 Mary Genevieve Burke b. Oct-19-1920           
6 Mary Irene Leverett b. Jan-24-1872 d. Jun-27-1955       
4 Washington Leverett b. Dec-19-1805 d. Dec-13-1889 m. Aug-15-1836 Eliza Ann Cole b. Aug-19-1809 d. Oct-31-1858 m. Dec-27-1859 Harriet Abbott Wilson b. Sep-03-1807 d. Dec-03-1865          
 5 Cyrus William Leverett b. Nov-09-1841 d. Mar-22-1923 m. ___-  -1901 Jennie Hayes          
 5 Susan Lydia Leverett b. ___-  -1844 d. ___-  -1858         
5 Washington Wayland Leverett b. ___-  -1849 d. ___-  -1849       
4 Warren Leverett b. Dec-19-1805 d. Nov-08-1872 m. Aug-11-1837 Mary Ann Brown b. Aug-01-1812 d. Apr-03-1901         
5 Mary Ann Leverett b. Jul-13-1839 d. Jul-27-1918 m. Nov-15-1866 Thomas Waterman Greene b. Feb-10-1837 d. Aug-22-1877            
6 Lucy Leverett Greene b. Oct-19-1867 d. Dec-13-1919 m. Oct-29-1895 Judson Clarke Chapin b. Aug-29-1871 d. Nov-12-1920             
7 Lucy Katharine Chapin b. May-21-1897 d. Dec-05-1967 m. Dec-21-1917 Bryant Edgar Foster b. Jul-25-1891 d. Oct-28-1968                
8 Lucy Katharine Foster b. May-30-1928 m. Sep-30-1950 Gerald DeBary d. Jan-25-1964                                  m. Nov-06-1966 Frank Mecham                 
9 John Robert DeBary b. Nov-28-1951                 
9 Charles Edward DeBary b. Jun-10-1953                 
9 Jenny Ann DeBary b. Feb-04-1957             
7 Leverett Asahel Chapin b. Jan-20-1900 m. Aug-24-1920 Lenore Lamson b. Feb-22-1901 d. Aug-18-1967               
8 Leverett Lamson Chapin b. Mar-15-1930 m. Jun-17-1954 Marian Morgan                                  m. Feb-09-1959 Rita Louise Sandlie b. Jul-06-1932                 
9 Monica Ann Chapin b. Oct-29-1959                 
9 Mark Edward Chapin b. Jan-23-1961                 
9 Nancy Jean Chapin b. Sep-21-1962                 
9 Christopher John Chapin b. 10 Dec 1963                 
9 Timothy John Chapin b. Apr-10-1965                 
9 Leverett Lamson Chapin Jr. b. Mar-19-1967               
8 Ann Elizabeth Chapin b. May-02-1933 m. Jun-22-1957 John Elliott Rutter Jr.                   
9 John Elliott Rutter III. b. Feb-08-1959                 
9 Daniel Leverett Rutter b. Oct-23-1963           
6 Frank Warren Greene b. Apr-22-1870 d. Dec-  -1939 m. Ada Sloan                          m. Tillie                          m. Hazel G           
6 William Washington Greene b. Aug-29-1872 d. Mar-  -1949 m. Nov-03-1918 Marion Milne b. Jun-01-1888              
7 William W Greene Jr. b. Aug-16-1919           
6 Benjamin Greene b. May-04-1877 d. May-04-1877         
5 William Warren Leverett b. Nov-22-1841 d. Nov-12-1874 m. Jan-03-1871 Viola F Meyer          5 Sarah Brown Leverett b. Nov-05-1845 d. Sep-02-1948 m. Sep-27-1870 William Henry Stifler b. Mar-25-1840 d. Aug-08-1895           
6 Mary Atherton Stifler b. Feb-22-1875 d. May-08-1889           
6 Juliet Leverett Stifler b. Jan-06-1877 d. Sep-03-1953 m. Jul-02-1902 Harry Messenger Burton b. Dec-09-1867 d. Nov-26-1934             
7 Harry Messenger Burton Jr. b. Jul-07-1905 m. Dec-22-1926 Francelia Gray b. Feb-28-1906                8 Charles Leverett Burton b. Dec-11-1932 m. Feb-27-1954 Edith Marjorie Smith b. May-05-1934                
 9 Jenifer Ann Burton b. Mar-18-1955                 
9 Laura Marie Burton b. Feb-05-1957                 
9 Michael Charles Burton b. May-03-1958               
8 James Milton Burton b. Oct-12-1935             
7 William Stifler Burton b. Dec-17-1907 m. Jun-15-1929 Pearl Marie Denning b. Jan-24-1908                
 8 William Denning Burton b. Jul-25-1930 d. Jul-09-1941               
8 Kenneth Stifler Burton b. Jul-03-1933 m. Aug-11-1959 Marjorie Nancy McFeely b. Oct-24-1938                 
9 Nancy Marie Burton b. Feb-26-1961                 
9 Kenneth Stifler Burton Jr. b. Apr-12-1964             
7 Mary Leverett Burton b. Jan-05-1912 d. Jan-22-1914             
7 John Kinsel Burton b. Dec-08-1915           
6 William Warren Stifler b. Dec-22-1883 d. Dec-02-1954 m. Oct-16-1915 Susan Martha Reed b. Aug-16-1884             
7 William Warren Stifler Jr. b. Nov-27-1916 m. Dec-27-1945 Julia Fairman Bonnett b. Jan-08-1923               
8 John Reed Stifler b. Oct-08-1946               
8 Sarah Leverett Stifler b. Sep-27-1948 m. Jan-25-1969 Louis Alphonse McMahon Jr. b. Jan-15-1944               
8 James Franklin Stifler b. Jun-03-1953             
7 Martha Huntington Stifler b. Jun-27-1920 m. Oct-16-1943 George MacGregor Waller b. Jun-07-1919               
8 Susan Huntington Waller b. Feb-26-1945               
8 Marguerite Rowland Waller b. Mar-16-1948               
8 Elizabeth Starr Waller b. Oct-15-1951               
8 Donald MacGregor Waller b. Oct-15-1951               
8 Richard Leverett Waller b. Dec-18-1952           
6 Lucy Kinsel Stifler b. Jan-13-1887 m. Sep-06-1911 Roy Atwood Blair b. Nov-26-1886 d. Jun-02-1971             
7 Mary Abbott Blair b. Nov-14-1914 m. Oct-31-1942 Gordon Wilbur Haxel b. Jun-16-1913                 
8 Gordon Blair Haxel b. May-22-1946               
8 Bernard Frederick Haxel b. Dec-31-1949               
8 Margaret Stifler Haxel b. Apr-21-1951 m. Jun-14-1969 Michael Dennis Miffin b. Jul-14-1950             
7 Elizabeth Stifler Blair b. Jun-03-1918 m. Jun-19-1942 Robert Mize Sutton b. Dec-15-1915                 
8 Sarah Mize Sutton b. Nov-25-1946 m. Aug-16-1969 Gerald Marvin Mager b. Feb-08-1943                8 William Robert Sutton b. Dec-05-1949               
8 David Blair Sutton b. Apr-28-1952 m. 17 Dec 1977 Beth Nelson               
8 Mary Elizabeth Suttton b. Apr-28-1952             
7 Barbara Atwood Blair b. Mar-09-1923 m. Dec-29-1944 James McOmber Robinson b. Aug-22-1920               
8 James McOmber Robinson Jr. b. Sep-28-1945 m. Jan-26-1968 Melissa Hewitt Felsch b. Oct-10-1949                 
9 Dominie Katherine Robinson b. Mar-18-1969               
8 Thomas Blair Robinson b. Jul-31-1949               
8 Katherine Leverett Robinson b. May-27-1953               
8 Carol Jane Robinson b. Nov-27-1958         
5 Carey Judson Leverett b. Jul-05-1849 d. Sep-23-1850         
5 John Leverett b. Aug-16-1852 d. Feb-01-1939 m. Oct-17-1877 Amy Eliza Hamilton b. Jul-09-1855 d. Oct-26-1932           
6 Flora Elise Leverett b. Oct-20-1880 d. Dec-30-1964 m. Jun-20-1906 Harry Roach Owen b. Mar-19-1881 d. Apr-21-1909 m. ___-  -1950 Herman Ellis d. ___-  -1954                          m. Apr-07-1955 Fred E Raymond b. Oct-21-1874 d. Mar-01-1964           
6 Warren Hamilton Leverett b. May-21-1886 d. Dec-21-1971 m. Feb-09-1909 Mary Joanne Corrington b. Feb-18-1886             
7 Miles Corrington Leverett b. Dec-18-1910 m. Oct-18-1938 Nancy Gertrude Walker b. Dec-20-1914             
7 Muriel Hamilton Leverett b. Apr-24-1913 m. Nov-22-1938 Oral Leon Luper               
8 Barbara Jo Luper b. Apr-12-1943               
8 Candace Sue Luper b. Nov-10-1948     
3 Lucy Leverett b. ___-  -1778 m. Joseph White     
3 Daniel Leverett b. ___-  -1780     
3 Carol Leverett m. Harvey Tomlin     
3 Rebecca Leverett m. Wm. G. Robinson   

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